I Will Help You
Sell Your Journey

Custom website copywriting & marketing strategy for service providers who have a story to tell…and want it done right.

Three Insights Into Marketing

I wish I could tell every business owner looking to grow…

By Lily Rothrock, Website Copywriter & Marketing Consultant


Put Your Story To Work Building Connections That Last

Why do you do what you do? This question isn’t always easy to answer, even if you’ve worked in your field for a long time. But, I’d bet if we sat down and chatted about your business, you’d be able to tell me a fascinating story about yourself and what you’ve learned.

Have you shared those insights with your clients? Can they read it on your website, or newsletter? (Do you have a newsletter?)

Sharing your journey helps others relate to you. When your audience can discover the deeper purpose behind your work on your website, it helps them imagine themselves benefiting from the value you offer. And, if they can’t imagine themselves getting value from you…well then, why would they know if they should be hiring you?

Building relationships with your potential clients makes the difference between someone who just lurks on your website, and someone who becomes a client, then a repeat client, and then tells all their friends about you.


Stand Out From The Crowd, Even When Others Offer The Same Thing

When someone thinks about your industry, how can you ensure you are the first person who comes to mind? You don’t need a competitive edge, or a long list of qualifications. That isn’t what helps people remember you. Most often, getting noticed isn’t difficult to figure out. It’s a marketing “secret” hiding in plain view—something you’re so familiar with, you probably overlooked it completely.

What makes you different is YOU. Nobody else has your story behind their business.

Your story is your unique secret to success, if you know how to put it to work for your business with your website - which is the first place people will go to learn more about you.


Connect with Your Audience to Convince, not Coerce

There’s not one right way to write for your business. But, there IS a wrong way. All too often, we see examples of copywriting and marketing that feel more like threats than invitations. (!)

At the core of my strategy is relationship building. I want to connect your readers to you. I want your clients to see themselves in your work and your journey. I want them be invested in you, so they come along for your journey with you. This means you need to learn to deliver value consistently (for free) through your marketing, in a language your clients can understand—and this language isn’t always one that comes naturally.

In my work, I focus on opening readers up to how much they want to buy the service from you, specifically. When you are able to connect on a personal level first, people will naturally want to buy from you, even if there are other, similar services available. But first, you have to let them get to know you by sharing your journey and your insights!

Your message can be doing (almost) all the work.

Your website copy has the power to:

  1. Help people you’ve never met before feel like they know you, and know why you’re the right person to help them

  2. Highlight how you’re different from other people who may be offering the same thing that you do

  3. Establish true connections, beyond just selling, so that clients keep coming back

Hi, I’m Lily —

As a copywriter and marketing consultant, I’ll help you find the right message founded on your distinctive experience that compels your clients to want to work with you, so your business can thrive. Writing websites with personal connection is not just what I do, it’s what I help others do everyday.


 Why work with a website copywriter?

Your website will either activate or shut down your audience. Work with me to craft a successful message for your website that is neither sales-y nor manipulative, but clearly tells your story and purpose in a way that actually makes you money.

You can learn the difference between:

🤕 Talking to yourself, hoping at least a few other people will get your point,

🤕 Talking about yourself into the echo-chamber of the internet, and

😎 Talking about yourself in a grounded and authentic way that will resonate with your potential buyers.


Marketing Tips from The Blog

What my clients are saying…


“Lily’s strategic advice on website verbiage continues to ripple into my work. I always keep a ‘Lily voice’ in the back of my mind when writing.”

— Bree Lauren, Business Owner


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From my clients who do things differently.

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