When Your Website Finally Finds Itself: Redbud Resource Group

We can be the best in our industry, the right fit for the job, or have the most noteworthy cause, but if we don’t have the right message that speaks to those who need to hear us, we have no chance at success.”

Over the last months, I’ve consulted with Redbud Resource Group on their new website copy. Redbud is a Native-led non-profit who works with non-Native and Native partners to increase Native visibility, support Tribal sovereignty, and improve cultural competency through education, research and consulting.

Working alongside a team of professionals and Redbud’s President Taylor Pennewell, I helped transform their existing website into a strong platform for their clients and wider audience, focusing on what I call their “Core Copy”, or messaging.

Redbud’s previous website was written and built by themselves, as is the case with many new non-profits and businesses. They struggled with what information to put, how to write it, and in what order to put it. It quickly became clear that the old website

  • didn’t do the job it needed to do

  • focused too much on talking about themselves, instead of about the problems they solve

  • was in its “finding itself” phase (if it were a person, it would have changed it’s clothes every few hours)

The next version needed clarity and confidence so it could go out into the world on its own (it really had more important things to worry about than outfit changes).

As a marketing consultant, I knew that finding the right words for Redbud would:

  • serve them for years to come

  • make it a no-brainer for their potential clients to recognize the value in hiring them

  • establish them as experts in their field & unlock new opportunities

The thing is, we can be the best in our industry, the right fit for the job, or have the most noteworthy cause, but if we don’t have the right message that speaks to those who need to hear us, we have no chance at success.

Unfortunately, it’s more common than you may think that noteworthy non-profits and even do-good businesses never get the help they need to make sure their audience understands what they stand to gain from reaching out and working together. It takes a TON of work to lay the foundation for a good marketing strategy and website, and a lot of orgs never prioritize it.

That’s why I’m over the flipping moon today to show you the results of months of hard work (which I will say, I by no means did the heavy lifting on this project. I worked with a fantastic team of experts, including Hatched Creatives out of LA).

Now that the website has launched, those who already understand what Redbud is about can use the new website to easily tell their friends and colleagues why hiring Redbud or utilizing one of their existing educational resources is a good idea.

And, those who don’t know yet what Redbud is all about, but think they should probably find out, can have it all spelled out for them by reading the website (and the best place to start would be to read Redbud’s origin story on the “Who We Are” page).

Redbud Resource Group

As someone who strives to be an ally to Native peoples, this project was deeply meaningful for me, and I appreciate you taking the time to learn about their work.

Lily Rothrock

As a marketing consultant and copywriter, I’ll help you find the right message founded on your distinctive experience that compels your clients to want to work with you, so your business can thrive. Writing websites with personal connection is not just what I do, it’s what I help others do everyday.


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